Traduzione e Interpretazione

“Role-Play: a practical guide” by E. Milroy

In this book Ellice Milroy describes role-play as clearly as possible and draws attention to the responsibility of the trainer exploiting it (who is called the tutor).

The author offers ideas on how to use this device in different training circumstances, and finally contrasts role-play and gaming.

Apart from the content, which I found particularly illuminating, I must say that the book I bought on Amazon was really in good conditions. It was the first time I ordered something used and I didn’t trust the system so much.

Well, I was wrong ;)

Milroy, E. (1982). Role-Play: a practical guide. Aberdeen: Aberdeen University Press

One Response to ““Role-Play: a practical guide” by E. Milroy”

  1. Natacha scrive:

    Leggendo la parte dedicata ai colloqui di lavoro, mi sono venute in mente tante idee per il corso che insegnerò al secondo semestre..
    E cercando video di “entretiens d’embauche” su Youtube ho trovato questo..

    Per la serie: NON MENTITE NEL VOSTRO CV ;)

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