This very interesting paper I had the opportunity to read before publication is now available in Franco Angeli Edition.
Co-authored by Laura Gavioli from the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia and Daniela Zorzi, from the advanced school for Interpreting and Translating of Forlì (University of Bologna), this striking 20 page paper offers an insight into community interpreting, by exploring patient’s participation in interpreted-mediated medical encounters.
It starts from the linguistic roles played by interpreters, then shows how interpreter’s choices can contribute to patients or doctors’ inclusion or exclusion in the interaction.
The two authors conclude that interpreters may act as filters, hence influence the patients or doctors’ reactions to each other.
Gavioli, L. & D. Zorzi. (2008). “La partecipazione del paziente nell’interazione mediata con il medico: note linguistiche sulla dimensione informativa e sulla dimensione interpersonale”. In C. Baraldi, V. Barbieri, G. Giarelli (a cura di), Immigrazione, mediazione culturale e salute. Numero speciale della rivista Salute e Società. Milano: Franco Angeli Editore. 155-174