Brett Allen Rosemberg‘s article is only one of the interesting selected papers from the 4th International Conference on Interpreting in Legal, Health and Social Service Settings, Stockolm, Sweden, 20-23 May 2004.
Gathered in the volume “The Critical Link 4. Professionalisation of interpreting in the community”, these papers offer an overview on community interpreting, hence imposing themselves as one of the most interesting and up to date accounts of this subject.
Rosemberg, in particular, explores telephone interpreting, and carries a data driven analysis of 1876 interpreted-mediated telephone calls. Among other things, the author stresses the importance of professionalisation of community interpreting, one which is only possible – she argues – if we understand “what it is we are training people for” (2007: 66)
Rosemberg, B.A. (2007) . “A data driven analysis of telephone interpreting”. In C. Wadensjö, B.E. Dimitrova, A. Nilsson (eds.), The critical link 4. Professionalisation of interpreting in the community. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 65-75