After introducing the topic of Tv interpreting, Kurz explores the challenges and difficulties that add up to “ordinary” conference interpreting requirements.
She underlines, in particular, that interpreters are judged by Tv viewers with the same standards used for Tv readers and commentators. This requires interpreters to pay greater attention to their style and delivery.
In addition to this, interpreters should be as quick as they can in order not to hang over after the speaker has finished.
What is more, interpreters should accept that television and sound engineers will rarely understand, and consequently meet, their needs.
To conclude, Kurz states that Tv settings call for a new job profile: “the interpreter/journalist or translator/editor” performing journalistic and linguistic tasks.
Kurz, I. (1990). “Overcoming language barriers in European television”. In D. Bowen & M. Bowen (eds.). Interpreting-yesterday, today and tomorrow. New York: SUNY. 168-175