Traduzione e Interpretazione
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Community Interpreting di S.B. Hale

Professional interpreters have a responsibility to acquire the necessary language and interpreting skills, to gain an understanding of the settings in which they work and they requirements, of the purposes for which language is used in each of these settings, and to abide by a code of ethics. (p. 35) Community Interpreting di Sandra Beatriz Hale è quanto di più completo e recente io abbia letto fino ad ora...

Communication in medical care

The book by Heritage and Maynard is very useful if you are interested in Conversation Analysis and communication in health settings, and it shows how qualitative and quantitative studies may be usefully intertwined. [...] respect for alternative methods does not preclude combining methods to maximize discovery and insight. (xiii) Despite the fact I am carrying out investigations on the role of community...

A new entry: references

I am writing today to introduce you to a new page in dailynterpreter: references. You may have already found a category called references, where I used to put posts on books focusing on translation or interpretation. That category has been turned into “reviews”, which is its proper function, and a new page has been added in the menu. I called it “references” since it is a sort of bibliography of books and...

The interpreter on the (talk) show

Francesco Straniero Sergio, Professor at the University of Trieste (Italy), analyses dialogue interpreting in TV talk shows. After examining some basic issues related to broadcast talk, such as the two planes of television speech contexts, the presenter’s function and the communication goal, he explores a specific case study, and tries to see how the interpreter’s role and identity are constructed by...


Xaira è un software utile per interrogare i corpora. Sviluppato dalla Oxford University per interrogare il BNC (British National Corpus), Xaira può anche essere utilizzato per analizzare un corpus creato ad hoc, ad esempio quello sull’interpretazione televisiva che ho costruito per la mia tesi di specialistica. Il grande vantaggio offerto da Xaira, così come dalla sua versione precedente SARA, è quello di...


In this co-authored book, Penelope Brown and Stephen Levinson first formulate the politeness theory. In their thorough analysis of speech, they state that some speech acts may threaten other’s face needs. Politeness is nothing but the expression of the speakers’ intention to mitigate face threatening acts toward other speakers. Deriving their theory from that of Erving Goffman (1967), Brown and Levinson...

“Studies in the organization of conversational interaction” by J. Schenkein

This book opens with the ground-breaking paper by Sacks, Schegloff and Jefferson on the systematics for the organization of turn-taking. The striking thing about this paper is that it really prepares the ground for following research in Conversation. As such, it should be read before studying subsequent articles about the same topic. Honestly, however, I can tell you it would have been almost impossible for me to...

Corpora and Language Learners

The book edited by Guy Aston, Silvia Bernardini and Dominic Stewart looks back over ten years of TaLC (Teaching and Language Corpora). It dates back to 2004, and therefore does not include the latest TaLC conferences. It is however particularly useful for students and teachers looking for a better understanding of corpora by, for and with learners. The introduction to “Learning with corpora” by Guy Aston is...

Steps to an ecology of mind

This book is a collection of the papers that Bateson wrote over his long career. It starts with a series of metalogues between Bateson and his daughter, which cover with a playful dialectic structure the widest possible range of topics. What is striking in those conversations is that they often proceed illogically, as if ideas were simply muddling up. But then the two speakers get somewhere with their talking, and...

Interpreting as Interaction

Un must per chiunque s’interessi all’interpretazione di comunità. Il libro che ha dato una svolta all’interpretazione e alla nostra concezione di essa. Un’immagine, quella del pas de trois, che ha conquistato le scene di una letteratura che da allora non cessa di citarla. Il libro di Wadensjö non si presta a riassunti che non siano riduttivi. Va letto con attenzione, e con il rispetto di...

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