Traduzione e Interpretazione
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“A data driven analysis of telephone interpreting” by B.A. Rosemberg

Brett Allen Rosemberg‘s article is only one of the interesting selected papers from the 4th International Conference on Interpreting in Legal, Health and Social Service Settings, Stockolm, Sweden, 20-23 May 2004. Gathered in the volume “The Critical Link 4. Professionalisation of interpreting in the community”, these papers offer an overview on community interpreting, hence imposing themselves as one of...

La partecipazione del paziente nell’interazione mediata con il medico by Gavioli and Zorzi

This very interesting paper I had the opportunity to read before publication is now available in Franco Angeli Edition. Co-authored by Laura Gavioli from the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia and Daniela Zorzi, from the advanced school for Interpreting and Translating of Forlì (University of Bologna), this striking 20 page paper offers an insight into community interpreting, by exploring patient’s...

Dialogue Interpreting as Intercultural Mediation by Baraldi and Gavioli

Claudio Baraldi and Laura Gavioli, from the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, do an analysis in healthcare multicultural settings. They describe dialogue interpreting as intercultural mediation, since their recorded and transcribed data in English and Arabic clearly show that interpreters are doing much more than simply interpret. By selecting information, by asking and providing clarification and by giving...

La médiation et la didactique des langues et des cultures a cura di Danielle Lévy et Geneviève Zarate

Si la médiation fait partie d’une logique de l’entre-deux, elle ne peut être confondue avec celle du « juste milieu ». A l’opposé d’une position idéalisée où être à mi-chemin entre les deux parties signifie neutralité, sorte de no man’s land de la pensée, le médiateur occupe une position spécifique, celle d’un acteur dûment mandaté pour la résolution d’un conflit dont les protagonistes...

Il dialogo tra le culture a cura di Claudio Baraldi e Giuseppe Ferrari

La traduzione, in senso stretto, è efficace se abbinata all’interazione diadica di sostegno: in questa prospettiva, il problema non è una traduzione che non restituisce le informazioni del paziente o del medico in modo adeguato, sebbene anche questo possa accadere, bensì una traduzione che non formula il punto di vista del paziente in modo che il medico possa farsene carico. Il senso di formulazione e presa...

“De l’interprétariat au dialogue à trois. Pratiques européennes de l’interprétariat en milieu social” par Sauvêtre

Étant donné que la littérature en français sur l’interprétation en milieu social est assez limitée, cet article de Sauvêtre représente une bonne source d’informations pour les francophones ou pour tous ceux qui souhaitent insérer des textes français dans leur bibliographie. Insistant sur une mondialisation croissante, Sauvêtre démontre que le besoin d’interprètes ne fera...

Interpreter intervention in mediated business talk by Gavioli & Maxwell

In a time of globalization, community interpreters are becoming more and more important. Gavioli and Maxwell explore dialogue interpreting in business settings, and use conversational analysis to study the audio data they transcribed. In their paper they prove that interpreters mediating in business interactions do more than simply translate participants’talk. As Wadensjö (1998) would say, they both relay and...

The discourse of Court Interpreting di S.B. Hale

The book principally endeavoured to explore how interpreters deal with the inherently difficult interpreting process in the context of the courtroom; what choices they make under the pressures and limitations imposed by this activity type; the way they manipulate, filter and alter the messages of the main participants in their interpretation; and the ramifications those alterations may have on the legal process. It...

Revisiting the Interpreter’s role di Claudia Angelelli

From ancient Egypt to the 21st century, interpreters have enabled communication between speakers of minority and majority languages. This has allowed them to either channel information or act as gatekeepers by exercising their agency. Interestingly, these powerful individuals have, more often than not, been depicted as invisible. (p. 1) Come lo dice il titolo stesso, il libro di Claudia Angelelli si propone di...

Liaison Interpreting di Gentile, Ozolinis e Vasilakakos

Which skills or competencies of the liaison interpreter qualify as professional skills? Clients would nominate language skills. The popular picture of the interpreter is of a polyglot who is also a, automatic language converter: press the button and this person will convert your words from one language to the another! Clearly, a gulf exists between reality and the perception of the interpreter’s clients. (p....

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